Sunday, June 26, 2011

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"Well that our country now technology so severe." Chen said happily. It seems that this to hook the island is also very much must be modified warships can put wood, the battleship kill. Countries But Chen did not think of the last time in wood, the country back scientific instruments to Z

Countries of the military in research play a very significant role so Z countries now the military's ability to ascend also have him a credit.
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"You have captured the hook after the dragon island group will also come over you with you together reinforcements they against those countries. The ace of wood, because our two countries can't send large warships and army and cannot use kill large weapon caused international public opinion may then or fight you be ready for that." XuBai said.

Chen is wrinkly to knit the brows "dragon group? When the group dragon will come and help us?"

"Yes" XuBai nodded "is originally considered special forces but fear of the enemy sent over too much fighting skill player we tiger hall cope with not to come over. So superior decided to cooperate with us your dragon group to remember that this is a mission without what tiger hall and dragon group points you can't because these and influence the task." XuBai also know before hall and dragon tiger group had some unpleasant things.

"The long please be assured that we will not because these and affect the political quality of the task we not bad." That's no guarantee with Chen was tiger hall and dragon group has also have no hatred are only small misunderstanding.

"That's good this thing is the national super secret you must keep secret tomorrow is out there we navy will bring your 'fishing boat' send out from now on you can't leave everything here have we arrange your mobile phone please come with your hand over all is all we provide communications equipment tiger hall." XuBai said.

They deliver the mobile phone, Chen after careful research plan of action on the early tomorrow morning they will go out and baldheaded they.......


Mr. In the secret of the old villa in a rush of Mr. Ran into the room. Mr. "I have something urgent to report to you." Old a panting said.

"What is it?" In the room looking at the evening news of sir turned ask old a.

"Today dragon group received secret to the personnel shall not go out on the base may have an urgent task." Old a anxiously said. Something like this is very rare are generally told task to perform again.

"You must have what tasks and so nervous standby but situation like this never had so said the task is not a simple and you find out what tasks have no?" Sir asked.

Old a shook his head and said: "not the task is very secret all dragon group staff all don't know estimation is in preparation for the out will be told that what task."

Sir wanted to think and then took the flank of a cell phone call to his playing beat one another has been played four phones are down. "What is this strange task? How so secret?? I just asked once they also know that you will perform a super secret task but the task is what also don't know. It seems that this task is number one or number two to preside over we want to work at about just line."

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"You still go back, don't let people doubt. If what immediately report back to me." Sir thought. It seems that this task is very important also won't mask or so close what exactly are they? And Mr. In thought.

Old Mr. Hear the command of a right after he went out and know it is a special period. And the mission very strange must be a large task.

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