Monday, June 20, 2011

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Once upon a time, a businessman and he grew up the son of journey went together. They carry the full one box jewelry, ready to sell, but no trip to anyone about this secret. One day, the businessman picked up the sailors whispering. Originally, they have found his jewelry, and is well against them, the father and his son to plunder the jewels.
Listen to the businessman after frightened and in his own house in paced, trying to think out a way out of trouble. The son asked him what the things, father and hear all told him.
"With they spell!" Young man answers emphatically. louis vuitton handbags 
"No," the father answered, "they will uniform our!"
"The jewelry to them?"
"Also not line, they will kill people kill."
After a while, businessman angrily up the deck, "you fool son!" He cried, "you never take my advice!"
"The old man!" Son crying the reply, "you say a phrase that I listen to her words!"
When the father and his son to each other when the abuse, the sailors curious gathered around to. The old man then rushed to his cabin; Dragged out his jewelry box. "The son of ingratitude!!!!!" Businessman screams, "I'd rather die in poverty also won't let you inherit my wealth!" With these words, he opened the jewelry box, the sailors to see so many jewelry fell took a mouth air. Businessman and hurried to the rail, in others stop him before his treasures for all the sea.
After a while, the father and son were gazed at the empty box, then two people lying in together, for they have do not cry, later, when they stay in the house alone, the father said: "we could do, children, and there is no other way to save our lives!"
"Yes," was the reply, "you this way is the best."
The ship into the dock, businessman with his son in a rush to get to the city's magistrates there. They accused the sailors pirates behavior and make the attempt to murder, the judge arrested those sailors. The judge asked the sailors are seeing the old man put his jewelry for the sea, the sailors said seen consistent. The judge then they are guilty verdict. The judge asked: "what people will reject his life savings regardless, only when he faces? The risk of life will be to do this?" The sailors active for compensation of jewelry, the judge so businessmen give their lives. louis vuitton outlet 

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