Friday, June 10, 2011

The branches of the birds immediate tactfully

Have you CARES, pity, and protect, charming worship. I am a happy woman ah, this kind of happiness comes from the soul from the bone marrow, of, let the wind I hair, happy together with the wind also flying. You distant and genial smile, let me turn RouChang and night of the sleeping, CaiMeng is endless. Thinking about the other side of the city, have you, as if you are air, is the sunlight, always can not give up. louis vuitton leather luggage 
Bushes thoughts as the music of the river, near to my lips, swing the bell ring out the melody, pelosi total also linger. The branches of the birds immediate tactfully, I how can worry shy none? No, don't ask miss, do not carry. I gently in the bed, with hand turn over to those who love the song ci, which the chapter? Which one day no I long for shadow? Which one song, which makes no I have thoughts? Which clap, which no rhyme with my missing YunJiao?
You said, we go to see the grassland, look at the lake, and watch the sunset setting, and, when you say these things, and a sense of warmth by the soles of the feet surged up, let my heart flutter. louis vuitton leather purses
But, you are? Then be shallow light joy is wrapped in the air of sorrow.
Just, just in the trial of loneliness, I'll still be thinking of you over and over again. You smile what time away from my bed be landing? With the lonely night after night I like water?
That evening the wind shear go to smoke and tired, you finally across the sea, in the sunset and I meet at the water's edge.

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