Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Looking for your sight

Always put they in the same state are equivalent to bury myself. Whether chuangdang or drift, whether a person in a group of people or they want to know what kind of future.
Already a lot of day and night from xiamen every day, but almost all of her head emerge, perhaps by her shadow looks to attract the glamorous me, xiamen, I really love her. louis vuitton leather luggage 
Off the train looking for your sight, perhaps years missing, mind you, the appearance have obscured by the final distress call, you that aim to me over there already, but did not say half a sentence, see you really a little excited, hand and foot quavered a little. I don't know a good mood is afraid or collapse. Follow you at home.
First to place is the big embellish of xiamen, habitual walk to the bookstore, then beside saw up with your ass back to GuangDang and came back did not change, then to change, seemingly also went to the fujian department said in taking me to pick some clothes. louis vuitton leather purses 
Remember when we go play that afternoon? Went to xiamen university, then climbed mount putuo, incense and then come back after the sea, in my remorselessly request, we went to the seaside, wanted to in that picture memorial, but you would not, say to 20? So they leave a regret in seaside, hurried read a few eye seawater did 112 bus back, on his way back I always in the heart of depressed, very not easy went to the seaside, incredibly left no worth my memories of east.

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