Thursday, May 26, 2011

The most abundant knowledge

Philosophy is about wisdom, its meaning is love wisdom. Investment philosophy is about investment wisdom, namely love investment wisdom. Wisdom is always the world's most scarce thing, especially the wisdom investment. Wisdom is everyone desires, but get seldom. What is intelligence?
According to the understanding of usually refers to someone, wisdom with different ordinary people's understanding, the ability of insight and appropriate actions. Wisdom, after all, different from the talents and knowledge. A professional investment community may have rich knowledge and expertise, but is not necessarily very has the investment and men of wisdom. Most wisdom person also is not necessarily the most abundant knowledge.
Especially for experts and scholars, who may have a lot of specific digital knowledge, but these things controled more also could not make people more wisdom. So, a man's wisdom degree and have the knowledge is proportional to how much is not necessarily.
It is moral to distinguish the knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is about the facts, wisdom is about moral. All knowledge and truth will >, only moral can lead us life, investment. No moral, cannot get a true wisdom. No moral, there is no wisdom. All wisdom, ultimately, is about how humans can better survive wisdom. As investors' investment wisdom is no exception.
Western wisdom traditions is made up of two tributaries synthetic, one is the wisdom of Athens, one is the wisdom of Jerusalem. Greek wisdoms of the universe is maths and physics of the universe, the universe, and Jerusalem wisdom with belief, morality is the universe.

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