Saturday, May 28, 2011

Enterprise executives will often to ask the outstanding staff

Chairman of the board of directors or general manager to personally and excellent candidates "PanDao (such as both sides industry know)" to further understand the knowledge of the industry they level.
Keep "key talent"
Treatment to attract. Renowned economist, Beijing university professor xiao zhuoji quick to note: only speak "value", do not speak of "treatment", not a real pay great attention to the talents.
Career planning to attract. The employees make outstanding performance, they hope their workplace cause some development, the more hope can be promoted. If they can't see recent prospects, that they will turn leave, find another prospect.
Emotional hold. Enterprise executives will often to ask the outstanding staff: you did feel the work mean? Your supervisor ever try to put you down? Do you have any opinion and the suggestion? Executives will often ask yourself: excellent talents for progress, have him happy, have timely his reward.
Training to attract. Those excellent staff, by enterprise contributive send them to study, let them further upward, to further increase their value in the industry.
Classic case
U.S. steel king Carnegie's tombstone engraved: "a know than he himself chosen better able to work for him the rest of the people here." Carnegie became steel king, not because he himself what superhuman ability, but because he dare to use than their own strong person, and can play to their strengths.
Carnegie once said: "even if will I all plant, equipment, market and money all taken away, but as long as reserve my technical personnel and organize personnel, four years later, I will still be" steel king. "Carnegie are so confident, is because he can effectively play a talent value, is good at with those who was stronger than he.

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